ED Treatment


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual problem for men. We can deliver platelet-rich plasma harvested from your body into the penis to stimulate natural regeneration and reverse the effects of aging and sexual disorders. Our erectile dysfunction treatment in Clearwater offers a real and effective solution.

Boost Sexual Wellness With A Few Shots

Sexual health and wellness are intrinsic components of your overall wellness. Sexual disorders, such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, can take a severe toll on your self-esteem and confidence. But thanks to advanced medical treatments, ED treatment such as the P-shot can stimulate natural cellular regeneration and improve blood circulation to the penis, helping you overcome your sexual concerns. We can boost sexual wellness with just a few strategic injections. If you’re looking for testosterone treatment in Clearwater, give us a call today!

What Does P-Shot Treat?

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of sensation
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Symptoms of Peyronie’s disease
  • Symptoms of lichen sclerosus
  • Insufficiently long/thick penis
  • Venous leaks
  • Premature ejaculation

What is P-shot?

The priapus shot, also known as the P-Shot, is a revolutionary new treatment for improving sexual wellness in men. The P-Shot is an effective erectile dysfunction treatment in Clearwater. It can increase sensation and pleasure, and reduce or eliminate Peyronie’s disease.

It can also help to straighten the penis, making it appear longer and thicker. The procedure involves harvesting a concentrated serum from your blood (platelet-rich plasma) and re-injecting it into the penis to stimulate natural cellular regeneration and healing.

A hormone’s chemical structure is depicted in a circular design, set against a white backdrop.

How Does P-Shot Work?

Erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders occur because of a combination of psychological and physical problems, such as insufficient blood circulation to the penis. The P-shot involves injecting a growth factor-rich serum drawn from your blood into your penis.

The PRP serum can improve blood flow and increase sensation, stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. This PRP serum can boost sexual wellness and restore your youthful vitality.

Benefits Of P-Shot:

  • Minimally invasive treatment — no incisions or scarring
  • Autologous treatment based on components drawn from your body
  • Completely safe and natural results
  • Minimal discomfort during the treatment
  • Improve overall sexual wellness
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • Resume daily activities immediately — no downtime

What Happens During My P-Shot Session?

This erectile dysfunction treatment in Clearwater specifically requires a P-shot. Your P-shot treatment starts with a simple blood draw. The medical provider takes a small sample of your blood from your arm. The blood sample is spun in a centrifuge to isolate the golden-colored platelet-rich plasma serum, which rises to the top of the vial. The PRP serum is carefully injected into various parts of your penis, including the base, shaft, and head of the penis. The entire treatment concludes within 30 minutes.

Is There Any Downtime After


You will also be asked to refrain from sexual activity for a few days. But other than that, you can resume most of your daily activities and work immediately after your treatment.

What Are The Side Effects Of P-Shot

PRP is derived from your own blood, so there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection. The most common side effects of the P-shot are temporary bruising or swelling at the injection site.

Some men also report mild penile numbness or pain after the procedure. These side effects typically resolve within a few days of erectile dysfunction in Clearwater.

When Will I See The

P-Shot Results?

The results from P-shot typically take a few weeks to become fully noticeable. For some men, there may be a noticeable difference in the size and firmness of their erection within the first few days. But for most men, it takes a few weeks for the full effect of the P-shot to be realized. If you’re ready to start your ED treatment in Clearwater, FL, contact us today.

Schedule An Appointment

ProHealth Solutions is a boutique medical spa and clinic committed to offering the latest, cutting-edge treatments to boost your overall health and wellness. Our medical doctors provide personalized P-shot treatments to improve your sexual wellness and help you recover your youthful vitality and sexual energy. You deserve to have the sexual pleasures you desire. Schedule an appointment to explore your options for erectile dysfunction treatment in Clearwater.

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